Connecting the Dots Between Metabolism and Digestion

Guest article by Cara Jaffee

There is an unspoken link between metabolism and digestion. Metabolism goes far beyond how fast or slow you burn calories. Metabolism refers to the set of all life-sustaining chemical reactions in the body and digestion is just one of many chemical reactions.

Digestion is said to be the root of all health, as most of the immune system is housed there. There are many mechanisms that complete digestive function, and if one is off, the whole body suffers.

Signs of poor digestion include: flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, bloating, stomach pain, weight gain, fatigue, leaky gut, SIBO, IBS, IBD, food allergies, floating stool, autoimmune conditions, celiac disease, liver congestion, malabsorption, acne, rosacea, eczema and psoriasis. Signs of poor metabolism include: excess weight and metabolic syndrome (pre-diabetes).

Studies show gut bacteria affects weight, the immune system, gastrointestinal function and mental illness. Research also supports that probiotics help diversify and strengthen gut flora (bacteria) and can help reverse the effects of antibiotics, antacids and/or a standard American diet (SAD diet). The more diverse the gut flora tend to be, the healthier the person tends to be.

Intestines provide a protective barrier between the bloodstream and the outside world. Autoimmune reactions occur when the body starts to “attack” itself due to leaky gut syndrome (intestinal permeability). Twenty percent of Americans have an autoimmune disease; to put this into perspective, one in five Americans can be put into this category.

Leaky gut allows undigested proteins and foreign substances to enter the bloodstream where they should not be. This is why the body starts to attack itself. Factors contributing to leaky gut can include diet, medications, microbiome imbalances, stress, blood sugar problems and neurological imbalances.

5 Ways To Improve Intestinal Permeability:

  • Turmeric
  • L-glutamine
  • Bone broth
  • Intermittent fasting
  • CBD oil

4 Supplements To Boost Immunity:

  • Probiotics
  • Vitamin-D
  • Vitamin-C
  • Fish oil

3 Tips To Upgrade Your Metabolism:

  • Exercise
  • Eating within an 8-12 hour window
  • A reset program or detox

In conclusion, by improving gastrointestinal health, we begin to reduce inflammation, boost the immune system and allow metabolism to function as it should. For a more in depth guide on removing inflammation and improving intestinal permeability visit

Cara Jaffee, CNTP is a functional or holistic nutritionist based in Denver, Colorado who just published her first book entitle “Down to Earth: Find the Answers You Need To Transform Health”. You can learn more about Cara Premier Nutrition Therapy at