Weight Loss Tips for Seniors Who Want to Take Charge of Their Health












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As we age, metabolism slows and muscle mass decreases. These factors can make it harder to lose weight, but it’s never too late to start improving your health. Even people well into their golden years can benefit from a healthy diet and exercise routine. Here are some ideas to help you become a trimmer, healthier you as a senior. 


You Are What You Eat

Many Americans are overweight and undernourished because they eat a diet composed mostly of processed foods. To increase the quality of your food, try to incorporate more fresh produce and lean sources of protein.  Limit or remove empty calories from your menu; they add to your bulk as they detract from your wellness. 


  • Getting adequate amounts of calcium, vitamin D, and all the B vitamins is important for senior citizens.  
  • Seniors can add more vitamins and minerals to their diets by focusing on fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables and lean proteins.
  • Meals don’t have to be elaborate to be healthy.  Consider these easy and nutritious recipes.
  • Mind your caffeine intake, since too much may leave you dehydrated.
  • The Linus Pauling Institute recommends vitamin and mineral supplements for older adults.  Check with your doctor first, to be sure these work well with your current health concerns and medications.


Choose the Right Exercise Routine

Many people become frustrated or bored with their workout regimen and give up on it completely. You can prevent this by making good exercise choices. Select a physical activity you enjoy, and engage in it routinely throughout your week. It may be as simple as taking a stroll in the woods or a bike ride around the neighborhood. 


Even making the choice to walk to an appointment or park a little farther from a store can make a big difference when done consistently. Be sure to check in with your doctor before starting an exercise routine, especially if you have any chronic health conditions.


  • If you have limited mobility, there are still exercises that can work for you. Consider these options.
  • Beginning an exercise routine gradually is a good way to prevent injury and burnout.
  • On average, older adults need 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each week, along with strengthening and stretching exercise.
  • Words can be inspiring, so make a motivational poster to help on difficult days. A customized poster can add a personal touch to your workout space.


Build Better Bones and Care for Your Joints

Progressive weight training has been proven to help regenerate muscle and fight bone loss, which can be a particular problem for women as they age. Bone strength is strongly correlated with the ability to live independently; hip fractures are the number one cause of people needing nursing home care as they age. Extend your lifespan and enhance your quality of life by protecting your bone and joint health. 


  • Take a day off from your exercise routine if your joints are sore after a big workout.
  • Weight bearing exercises, such as walking, running, hiking, and dancing can help increase bone health and density.
  • Be sure to include bone-healthy foods such as prunes and dairy products in your diet.


Create a Home Gym

You can put together an inexpensive home gym on your own by purchasing some dumbbells, resistance bands and a yoga mat. This will enable you to perform a variety of exercises, and you can follow professional trainers using the internet or a workout DVD. 


  • A home gym or exercise area can help you stick with your exercise routine.
  • Even if you don’t have much space, it’s possible to create a home gym.
  • It’s possible to furnish your home gym without spending a lot of money.
  • Many home workouts appropriate for seniors are available online.


Be patient with your progress, because sustainable weight loss doesn’t happen overnight. Don’t worry about the number on the scale. Instead, pay attention to how your clothes fit and how your body feels. You’re building muscle, which weighs more than fat. By replacing excess body fat with muscle, you will improve your life and overall health. You’ll be fitter and more agile, and you’ll enjoy greater independence.